Brave Parenting Founder Kelly Newcom to be Guest Speaker at St. Luke’s Episcopal School

St. Luke’s Episcopal School is announcing a parent event featuring guest speaker Kelly Newcom, Brave Parenting founder and author of“Managing Media Creating Character.” The event, which will take place on Friday, December 7, will focus on the growing challenges faced by parents of building character in their children in today’s technology and media obsessed society.

From Snapchat, to Spotify, to Fortnite, technology is pervasive in the lives of today’s youth. It can influence academic progress, social relationships, and personal lives. From infancy, children are exposed to devices through FaceTime calls with relatives, e-books on Kindles, or iPads in the classroom. With the benefits of technology, however, come many risks. The danger is often invisible, hidden behind screens. Cyberbullying, increased adolescent anxiety, and depression are just a few of the real fears confronting today’s parents. In an ever-changing world of technological advancements, parents across the nation are struggling to find clear standards for screen time and media use.

At St. Luke’s parent event, Newcom will address these concerns and offer practical advice to parents on protecting their children in the digital age. Relying on her years of research and personal experience as a parent to seven children, she will share her unique techniques for fostering a positive culture of technology use in one’s home. Parents will be empowered to prepare their children for adulthood in a technology-reliant society, while raising individuals of character and integrity.

About Kelly Newcom:
Kelly Newcom is the founder of Brave Parenting, a network of parents devoted to equipping others to develop strong character in their children. She is the author of the 2017 book “Managing Media Creating Character: Using the Technology Kids Crave to Develop the Character God Desires.” She holds a pharmacy degree from Purdue University and continues to practice community pharmacy when not advising parents. Kelly and her husband of seventeen years live outside of San Antonio. They are the parents to seven foster-adopted children.